Tagristar Food


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Wild Blueberries also known as Lowbush Blueberries are sweet, tangy, amazingly popular and extremely nutritious here in Romania. Labeled as a super-food they are low in calories and high in fiber, vitamins and minerals. They have innumerable benefits which make them, well, Super-Food. 

They are believed to have the highest antioxidant content when compared to other commonly consumed fruits or vegetables. The prime oxidant compounds are basically found in polyphenols called flavonoids. One group of flavonoids, anthocyanin, is thought to be major contributor in health benefits. 

Reduction of blood sugar levels occur primarily because of the glycemic index in a food item. In wild blueberries, it is found that glycemic index is in the minimal levels which implies to reduction of blood sugar level. Further by the decrease of blood sugar level one cam reduce the risks of diabetes. 

We make sure to deliver to you the best bio-products from our sweet country, Romania. 

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